Yes indeed, and of course… I did not see it coming.
On a beautiful fall day – upon getting on my bicycle, I remember clearly having that “sense of well-being” – not only did I feel fit on my bike – I had biked and swum earlier – the temperature and sunny afternoon seemed to say “take a bite of life!”
I vaguely remember some speed-bumps that I was going to take in a fun way – without slowing down – after all, I felt good, the terrain was flat and there was no traffic.
ALL ACCIDENTS ARE STUPID – how I would like to rewind and be “more something” (fill in the blank).
Next step is… I am in the ICU at BJC hospital, and I don’t remember anything of the fall, as is well known by all survivors of concussions.
Slowly, it is hard to gather all of these facts, I learn that I have: a broken clavicle, blood in my brain and in my arm, some kind of crack in my skull, and in my jaw, an ear that needs sewing to prevent “cauliflower ear” – and facial, hand and knee bleeding – and… I hear something very subtle like some faint breathing in my right ear, specially in a quiet environment. And most likely a coccyx that has some damage.